Canary Mugume & wife Sasha receive a bouncing baby boy

NBS TV News anchor Canary Mugume and wife, Fiona Nagirinya aka Sasha Ferguson have been blessed with a healthy bouncing baby boy. The couple received their first baby boy yesterday and this is revealed when they posted their newly born child on their social media platforms like Twitter and more.

Mugume who is the father of the born baby boy reveals that both the baby and it’s mother are all in good shape and healthy.

He says this through his Twitter blog where different netizens have congratulated him upon receiving another member added onto the family.

“Sasha and I received a new bundle of joy yesterday afternoon. A beautiful baby boy.
Mother and baby in perfect health.” he wrote.

The couple receives a baby boy as it marks more than nine years since they made the decision to embark on their romantic adventure together, midway through their romantic voyage, they legalized their union on 18th September last year at Miracle Center Cathedral, Rubaga, before their colleagues and family.10 Dec 2022.

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