You Have Nothing To Advise The President – Biswanka Punches Holes In Eddy Kenzo’s Presidential Advisors Appointment

Struggling, upcoming singer Biswanka has punched holes in Eddy Kenzo’s new role of being the presidential advisor in creatives.

He said that he doesn’t have anything to advise the president and he should know that there are people who know better than him and can even do an accurate job.

Biswanka has always called out established musicians claiming that they are now faded and don’t have to say anything to the young musicians that know much better.

He even said that he was better than Bebe Cool this year of which he didn’t respond to him.

Without any music going on, Biswanka has turned to attack Eddy Kenzo who recently got appointed as the presidential advisor.

He said that he could be a better suit for the president of musicians as he more educated and talented than him.

“I don’t know what the president was thinking but I don’t think that Eddy Kenzo has anything to advise the president. There are better people like us and can advise him on many things. Eddy Kenzo is not educated and he doesn’t know that much,”

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