Where Are My Children? Karma Ivan’s Baby Mama Asks To See Her Twins Taken Away From Her Years Ago

Talent manager Karma Ivan is making rounds in the news after one of his can’t mamas cried to the media asking to see the twins they sired together.

She said that the twins were taken away from her as they promised her access to them but ever since then, she has never got an opportunity to actually see them.

At the moment Karma Ivan is married and having a perfect family. Fans didn’t know that he had a baby mama and twins at the same time because he never talks about them.

The only known children are the ones with his wife study he posts on social media sometimes.

According to the baby mama, she has been trying to reach out to see if they can let her see or even speak to the children.

After trying everything, she decided to come to the media saying she knows they can help her finally see her children.

“Where are my children I want to see them I have taken so long I don’t know how they look like. You took them away saying that I will be accessing them but I have never. I want to see my twins wherever they are,”

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