Recho Rey Opens About Her Spirituality, Says She Meditates A Lot

Ugandan female rapper Recho Rey has opened up about her spirituality saying that she meditates so much and she even speaks to herself all the time.

That is not common in Africa as different people have different religions and they don’t care about their own healing and spirituality.

Recho Rey is famously know for her videos for extreme she goes when singing songs. Some people don’t think she can be spiritual because they judge her through her music.

According to the singer, she is very laid back and doesn’t have a lot of friends especially girls.

The few she has got also don’t understand her so well which leaves her with a hard time to open up about certain things

The singer revealed that she has a dairy that she adores so much and instead of opening up to friends she writes her feelings in their.

Some people don’t care about it not for her the book helps her navigate through a day wether she is having a hard time or having a very good day.

“One thing people don’t know about me is that I am very spiritual. I have few friends so I meditate a lot and I talk to myself. I also document my feelings through a note book and that’s how I live everyday of my life,”

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