People Cried! Here Is What Gravitty Omutujju’s Men Did After Lugogo Concert Flopped

Singer Gravitty Omutujju’s men didn’t leave the fans the same after registering a low turn up for his concert over the weekend at Lugogo cricket oval.

Most of the people that showed up were content creators and tiktokers that were seen filming the empty space that wasn’t occupied by any fans at the concert.

Several content creators who were live-streaming Gravity Omutujju’s just-concluded concert at Lugogo Cricket Oval had their devices smashed or stolen.

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A group of individuals (Gaali) initiated an unforeseen plan to assault and permanently confiscate the phones and related devices of any content creator, particularly YouTubers and Tiktokers, who were seen filming the empty spaces at the rapper’s flopped concert.

There isn’t any police case that has been reported about those people but it is clear that no one was even happy about it at all.

Gravitty Omutujju however got some happiness when fans showed up to support him in Mukono at his extra concert after Lugogo. It was a successful one with huge numbers in attendance.

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