Netizens tell thief to out Shakira Shakira’s Noodles quickly after losing her phone

Uganda’s “Nicki Minaj” singer Shakira Shakira is currently entangled in a potential social media scandal after losing her phone, which contained noodle photos and videos.

Social media in-laws are all celebrating with smiles all over their faces after hearing that the person who stole singer Shakira Shakira’s phone has confirmed that he is going to release her HD Noodles. This news has excited them after facing boredom for a very long time. Additionally, these have always wanted to clearly see how God wonderfully created the singer since she has been leaving them salivating in her music videos.

The singer announced on her Snapchat that her phone had been stolen, and the thieves are demanding payment to prevent the release of her naughty photos. They initially demanded Ugx 100M but later reduced it to Ugx 50M and then Ugx 20M.

Shakira has firmly refused to pay the ransom and has instead initiated legal proceedings against the offenders. She has also declared her readiness to face the potential humiliation if her photos are leaked. Above all, she has also come out to apologize to her fans and family in advance just in case the noodles roll out. However, this has not stopped the social media in-laws from pressuring the thief to out them immediately.

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