NBS’ Mildred Tumuhaise Requests The Public To Stop Pressuring Women To Giving Birth, Calls It Nonsense

NBS Television presenter Mildred Tumuhaise has requested the public to stop pressuring women to giving birth.

She said that she doesn’t understand why someone’s womb should bother another person if they haven’t asked for help from them in one way or the other.

Mildred made this statement following a blog that wrote an article about one of her workmates claiming that her husband is tired of her for not giving birth.

Mildred said someone people have many problems that they don’t talk about that hinder them from having children. She said that it if not right for someone to invoice themselves in a life that doesn’t actually concern them.

“But why would some one’s personal life bother another so much? Why are women pestered to bear children, why is age in a relationship of concern to outsiders than those in the relationship itself?
I speak as a woman and for other women, stop these nonsensical narratives. Let people have peace, you donot know why people are not having children whether by plan, design or against their wish.
Same thing @flaviakalule was speaking of on #NBSPeopleandPower.
Not every sexual encounter results in a pregnancy.
Some People have medical problems,
Some People have had miscarriages,
Some are suffering with hormonal imbalances,
And so on and so forth. You don’t know what people are going through, so

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