Martha Mukisa Calls Out Fans Body Shaming Her For Her Big Boobs And Bums

Singer Martha Mukisa has Calle out fans for body shaming her for her big boobs and bums.

She said that enough is enough, people don’t need to keep commenting negatively as if it is illegal to have some big body parts than the other people.

Martha Mukisa revealed that ladies that are big in size have always found problems with body shamers. She said that they are judgemental and they the up making women hate themselves.

The singer revealed that she is not going to be among those ladies that struggle to look small in order to avoid being abused on social media and called names.

Martha Mukisa asked people to leave boobs and bums alone because they are not public property and everyone shouldn’t feel bad that God created them otherwise.

“i didnt realise it was ILLEGAL to have HUGE BOOBS and HUGE ASS !!!! i am GUILTY as CHARGED it is time to lock me up and throw away THE KEY!!!!! What is all this fat shaming, body judgement and making women feel bad about themselves; your literally finding new ways to grind us down and try to make us hate ourselves, it’s already exhausting trying to like ourselves and get into the fitness diet culture. Banange people on the internet your opinions on women’s bodies nedda enough is enough this is not the Uganda I grew up in that made me feel safe and confident.
We were raised to see us the way we are as a strength, and to be liberated from fear now what’s this mwe abesesa nemweyogeza what are you doing to the girl child. for your info I’m built this way, I’m not doing it on purpose. while your convinced that your making me miserable am making music and money.
Big boobs are not public property focus more on the content am sharing and stream the music, as a flower I will bloom. Am focusing on changing the narrative don’t dime my light. Uganda olemwa nakowa ebimizisa Fancida 😓,”

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