Late Mozey Radio’s Mother In Tears, Requests For Financial Help

The late Mozey Radio’s mother is in tears as she requests for financial help from well wishers.

She said if she doesn’t get the money, she will end up losing her son’s property which is the only thing that she has remained with from her son.

It’s been seven years ever since Mozey Radio was killed. It still seems like it happened yesterday and the mother is not letting anything stop her from remembering her son.

Kasubo Jane the mother said her son bought her so much property but because people know that he is no more they want to take advantage of everything and take away the property.

The mother said they have even come to her place where she lives threatening to throw her out in case she doesn’t give them the money they are asking for.

She said that money needed is 350 million shillings which she doesn’t know where she is going to get it at the moment.

“People are coming and threatening to take away my son’s property. They are asking so much money that I don’t have at the moment. People need to help me or I will end up losing everything. I have lost my son and I can’t stand losing the property he left behind for me and the children,”

The person that Mozey Radio left behind that should be looking after the proper is his best friends Weasel but he is currently not doing well.

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