It Isn’t A Stunt – Martha Mukisa Clears Air About Her Body Shaming Post

Singer Martha Mukisa has cleared the air about her body shaming post on social media.

She said it is not a stunt and people need to understand that it is her life, she can’t just play with it like that.

Martha Mukisa days ago went on social media and poured her heart out on people that have been attacking her for being fat. She was very angry at them saying she didn’t understand how being fat is a problem.

The singer said people he e been commenting bad about her photos and at the moment it is so much that she needs to address the matters.

According to her, fat women always have low confidence in that some hide from the there people in fear of the comments.

She said that the public needs to start seeing someone beyond their appearance. Ladies are very intelligent and she wishes they were more recognized.

“People thought that the post I made about body shaming was a stunt but they need to understand that is my life. I don’t know why I would put my life on stake just for stunts. I just want ladies to be respected more despite how they look like,”

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