I am a boy to Pallaso- David Lutalo distances self from chicken fight

Recently, David Lutalo started unending battle between him and fellow singer Pallaso real name Pius Mayanja while in an interview with local TV where he tried putting his name down in away Pallaso said was uncalled for.

Since then, Pallaso has found ways of mimicking Lutalo using his songs through live videos in the way of underrating his music and his type of genre. And this is seen going viral online.

More on that, Pallaso went a head and called Lutalo a boy. But when asked on whether he is a boy, Lutalo accepted and said it is true when Pallaso calls him a boy because he has been long in the music industry compared to him.

The Akabina Kapapala singer said Pallaso was Lizard before he resorted to being called ‘Pallaso’ and by the time he was still in the village, on that advised Ugandans not to quickly forget that.

However in this battle, many people are siding with David Lutalo and punishing Pallaso saying he can’t compare himself to him musically at any point.

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