Grenade Official Deeply In Love, Continues To Flaunt His New Girlfriend On Social Media

Singer Grenade Official is off the hook as he continues to flaunt his new lover on social media for everyone to see.

He seems like he is not about to hide any of his relationships ever again and he is now the man that he has always wanted to be.

Grenade hasn’t been successful in relationships. All the Ladies he dated left him accusing him of doing some bad things.

The last girlfriend was a sugar mummy who was investing in him and when he left he was accused of stealing some gadgets that include an Apple Watch that he claims was a gift to him.

He also cried out to his ex Sheilah Gashumba saying he thinks he still loves her and he would want another chance because they had an amazing relationship although it was short.

All that was denied but he will still went ahead to continue with the love and get another lady that will love him for who he is.

The lady is not known in the public but Grenade is determined to show her off to the public and hopefully they will have an over lasting relationship together.

Every video he does now involves that lady that he hasn’t mentioned to the public about the information of where she comes from and what she does.

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