Fik Gazaa Spends Nights Behind Bars Over Theft

Singer Fik Gazaa and a group of his boys that he moves with while going to perform at different events slept behind bars over theft and hooliganism.

It is said that they were arrested Saturday night as they performed and were taken mid performance.

The Ugandan upcoming musicians usually make it a point to move with a huge number of people they refer to as their guards.

But these so called guards most of the time are thieves and are always in survival mood taking everything they find on someone including phones, money and other things.

According to one of the witnesses, Fik Gazaa and his boys came to performs and as they got to the stage they stole people’s items.

When they called police they were arrested and left to sleep behind bars for a few nights.

Fik Gazaa’s manager has claimed that he doesn’t know why he was arrested and the people that arrested him.

“I am very very sorry to inform you that Fik Gaza has been Abducted by Unknown UPDF soldiers yesterday at night,
Fik Gaza last night had a show in Kiwenda at a pub called Red Clif Bar where his gangs or crew members robbed everyone at the event and he was escorted out by security
I witnessed a performance of hooligans who walk with GAZA,@

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