Big Eye Starboss Resorts To Advocating For Freedom Of Imprisoned NUP Supporters

Singer Big Eye Starboss real name Ibrahim Mayanja seems to be getting more into politics as his posts have now become about National Unity Platform (NUP).

Instead of focusing on his music he is now moving around with NUP speaking to people and looking for votes.

Last week NUP president a singer Bobi Wine said that one of his body guards has been abducted. He said that the people that saw him being taken say it all happened in the public eye.

Up to date he hasn’t been released and now it is Big Eye appealing to people responsible for his arrest. He said that he didn’t do anything wrong and he needs to be released.

According the singer, no family and friends have been allowed to access him at any point yet other prisoners are allowed visitation from their close people.

“In a fashion similar to that of our other comrades that have previously faced abduction, our head of security Achileo Kivumbi has been smuggled to the Makindye general court martial to face trumped up charges. This follows his abduction by security operatives last Thursday. He has been in detention for days with no access to his family members, lawyers and doctors to address the torture he has been undergoing.

FreeAllPoliticalPrisonersInUganda #StopAbuseOfLaws,”

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