Are They Dating Again? Nina Roz Opens Up About Her Recent Relationship With Daddy Andre

Singer Nina Roz real name Kukunda Rose has spoken about her recent relationship with ex husband fellow singer and music producer Daddy Andre.

She said that people have been asking her if they are dating again or if they called off the relationship for good to never reconcile.

Nina Roz said that her break up from Daddy Andre wasn’t bad. They had issues like any other couple but they quickly talked through them and found a solution.

At the moment the singer said they ate friends and they talk everyday but no romantic relationship is involved in their friendship.

She said that they closed the chapter of relationship and opened up that of friendship like they used to do and they are happy with the decision they came to.

“Me and Daddy Andre are friends nothing more to that. We are not dating and we are happy with that. People are always asking about our relationship and that is it,”

It should be noted that Daddy Andre and Nina Roz’s marriage lasted for just three weeks. It didn’t go well and they ended up not working out for them.

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